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    Mitre Releases Updated Common Software Vulnerability List

    Mitre has added 137 new entries to an online database of software security weaknesses, Inside Defense reported Monday. Version 3.2 of the Common Weakness Enumeration also includes one “deprecated” item and 534 amended entries, which the nonprofit company attributed to changes in names, relationship, description and references. The community-developed list seeks to provide a common baseline standard for […] More

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    DARPA to Brief Proposers on Hardware Security Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency seeks industry expertise to address security vulnerabilities in electronic hardware and plans to hold an event in Arlington, Virginia, to discuss the project with interested companies. DARPA said Monday its System Security Integrated Through Hardware and Firmware program aims to mitigate seven classes of hardware vulnerabilities listed on the Mitre-administered Common Weakness Enumeration website. Those classes are permissions […] More