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    DHS Picks 13 Firms for Public Safety Tech R&D

    The Department of Homeland Security has chosen 13 domestic and foreign companies to build public safety technology platforms for “smart city” use. Selectees will aim to develop in-building sensors, unmanned aerial systems and mobile SmartHubs intended to support responder situational awareness, building security and mission-critical operations, DHS said Monday. The grants stem from a solicitation posted in […] More

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    10 Startup Companies to Participate in DHS Wearable Tech R&D Project

    The Department of Homeland Security‘s science and technology directorate has chosen 10 startup companies to join a new research-and-development program that seeks to build  wearable devices for first responders. DHS said Thursday the EMERGE 2016: Wearable Technology program offers startups the opportunity to equip emergency response personnel with body-worn electronics, sensors and integrated voice and data communications systems. “We need […] More