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    CIADM Lands HHS Anthrax Vaccine Development Support Task Order

    The Centers for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing has received an 18-month, $10.49 million task order from the Department of Health and Human Services to help the agency develop a second-generation anthrax vaccine. CIADM is located at Texas A&M University in College Station will support development of Altimmune‘s NasoShield anthrax vaccine candidate that is meant to be […] More

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    Emergent BioSolutions Hub to Move Forward on Advanced Ebola Drug for HHS

    The Emergent BioSolutions-led Center for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing will continue the development of a therapeutic drug against Ebola under a new two-year, $19.7 million contract with the Department of Health and Human Services. HHS said Wednesday the Emergent CIADM facility will begin advanced work to manufacture a monoclonal antibody drug as part of its public-private […] More