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    Smiths Detection to Deliver Chemical Detectors Under Army Follow-On Order

    Smiths Detection Inc. has received a $17.2 million follow-up order from the U.S. Army to provide chemical detection devices for the Defense Department‘s Joint Chemical Agent Detector program. SDI said Wednesday the JCAD project will utilize the company’s line of Lightweight Chemical Detector devices that are designed to warn responders such as military, police and hazmat personnel on the presence of dangerous substances […] More

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    Battelle, Astrotech Subsidiary Advance to Chemical Detector Program’s 2nd Phase

    Battelle and its Astrotech subsidiary partner will continue their collaboration in developing a portable mass spectrometer onto the second phase of the U.S. military’s three-phase Next Generation Chemical Detector program. Astrotech said Tuesday Battelle and 1st Detect Corp. will move forward to testing and evaluation of the latter’s prototype Multi-Sample Identifier Detector. “We are working in close collaboration with our key partner […] More