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    CNSI to Celebrate 20th Anniversary Through Volunteer Work

    CNSI co-founders Adnan Ahmed, B. Chatterjee, Jaytee Kanwal and Reet Singh said the company is celebrating its 20th anniversary by giving back to communities where the company houses an office. “We are excited to celebrate this milestone with all of our employees, their families and partners across the country and in doing so we would like to also take […] More

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    Serco Concludes 25-Year Anniversary Celebration

    Serco has finished a year-long program that celebrated the company’s 25-year anniversary in the industry. The company reports that during its Serco25 celebration, it held 248 fundraisers for 60 charities, contributed $360,000 to charities and sponsored 26 family day events, Serco announced Thursday. Serco also recognized more than 60 employees for contributions to the company. […] More