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    Former NIH, FDIC Official Renitalynette Anderson Named Quality Technology President

    Renitalynette Anderson, former deputy director of business administration at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp,, has joined Quality Technology as president of the Maryland-based government information technology contractor. The more than 30-year federal service veteran will lead QuTech’s corporate operations and strategic growth in her new position, the company said Wednesday. She held a 19-year career at the National Institutes […] More

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    CSRA-Led Team Completes Updates to NIH Supercomputing Infrastructure

    A consortium led by CSRA has expanded a supercomputing cluster at the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Information Technology in an effort to help NIH researchers process and analyze large data sets. The company and its partners added the latest computing power increment to the Biowulf infrastructure that NIH uses to perform computations in genomics, image processing, statistical analysis and biomedical research projects, […] More