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    GWU Report Details Private-Public Sector Cyber Collaboration Ideas

    George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security has released a report that includes recommendations on how the U.S. government can participate in cybersecurity efforts and work with private sector companies. GW Today said Monday the report covered assessments of the legal, policy and technological contexts as well as defense measures that impact the private sector cybersecurity in a push […] More

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    George Washington University & IBM Start Cyber, Homeland Security Task Forces

    George Washington University and IBM have established four task forces to support GWU’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security unit’s efforts to deliver research and analysis on cyber, homeland security and counterterrorism policies. John Lainhart and Christopher Ballister from the IBM Center for the Business of Government wrote in a blog post published Friday that CCHS works to address cyber and homeland security […] More