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    SpaceX Presents CCtCap Certification Baseline Plan to NASA; Gwynne Shotwell Comments

    SpaceX has presented its human space transportation plan to NASA as part of a certification baseline review phase of the agency’s Commercial Crew Transportation Capability program. NASA said Friday the company outlined how it will build spacecraft and rocket systems to eventually ferry astronauts to and from the International Space Station. The firm’s Dragon capsule […] More

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    Boeing Reports Progress Toward CCtCap Certification Goal

    Boeing has passed a NASA certification baseline review the space agency conducted for the Commercial Crew Transportation Capability program. NASA said Monday this is the first of several Boeing must go through to complete full certification of its human space transport systems. The review evaluated Boeing’s CST-100 space capsule design, the Atlas V rocket and the operational systems needed for the launch. […] More

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    NASA’s Kathy Lueders: Commercial Crew Program Industry Partners Offer Updates

    Boeing, Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada Corp. and SpaceX have reported their current statuses on their respective agreements with NASA under the Commercial Crew Program for space transportation systems. “Our partners’ detailed progress on launch and spaceflight capabilities expands domestic access to space,” Kathy Lueders, manager of the Commercial Crew Program, said Friday. NASA said these industry partners are working with […] More