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    GE Research Develops ‘VERDICT’ Cyber Tool Under DARPA Program

    General Electric’s technological development arm is working on a new cybersecurity tool under the Defense Advanced Research Agency’s Cyber Assured Systems Engineering program, Nextgov reported Wednesday. A team at GE Research is developing the Verification Evidence and Resilient Design in Anticipation of Cybersecurity Threats platform designed to assess cyber threats facing critical industrial and military systems, recommend ways to address identified vulnerabilities and predict cyber attacks.


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    Navy Taps Advanced Acoustic Concepts for P-8A, MH-60R Trainer Updates

    The U.S. Navy has awarded a $13.8 million cost-plus-fixed-fee, firm-fixed-price contract to Advanced Acoustic Concepts for the procurement of the Common Acoustic Simulation Environment Fidelity Implementation system to support P-8A and MH-60R operators. The Defense Department said Monday CASE-FI works to provide tactical operational flight trainers and weapons tactics trainers updated anti-software warfare tactical environment platforms. The Naval Air Warfare Center […] More