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    3 Things Execs Need to Know about Social Selling in GovCon

    By Mark Amtower There is a lot of buzz about social selling, as well as some misconceptions. Here’s three things to know: 1) What is social selling? It is the process of getting and staying on the radar of potential partners and prospects in a positive way via social media, of solidifying and expanding relationships with existing customers and […] More

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    Neustar Helps dotStrategy Secure .BUZZ Web Domain; Jeffrey Neuman Comments

    Neustar has been providing dotStrategy with security tools and services intended to keep malware, botnets and phishing scams from entering a dotStrategy-operated top level domain. TLD operator dotStrategy uses Neustar’s registry threat detection and mitigation platform to secure .BUZZ namespace customers and users, Neustar said Thursday. Jeffrey Neuman, Neustar vice president of registry services, said […] More