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    Orbital ATK Uses 30mm, 40mm Ammo to Demo MK44 Bushmaster Chain Gun

    Orbital ATK carried out a live-fire demonstration of its MK44 Bushmaster Chain Gun at the firm’s Bushmaster User Conference held at Big Sandy Range in Arizona. The weapon system mounted on a General Dynamics-built light armored vehicle and Kongsberg-made protector turret fired 30mm and 40mm rounds against steel panel, adobe and concrete block targets during the […] More

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    Orbital ATK to Supply Bushmaster Chain Guns to Lithuania’s Army

    Orbital ATK has received a contract from Lithuania’s defense ministry to supply chain guns for integration onto the Vilkas infantry fighting vehicles of the country’s army. The company said Thursday it will begin to deliver MK44 Bushmaster chain guns in mid-2017 and help the Lithuanian army integrate 90 cannons wit the Rafael-built Samson MKII remote weapons station under the […] More

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    Orbital ATK Hosts Gun System, Ammo Demo for Customers, Partners

    Orbital ATK has conducted live-fire demonstrations of gun systems and ammunition during the company’s Bushmaster User Conference in Arizona. The three-day event featured Orbital ATK-built Bushmaster chain guns and ammunition that range from 7.62mm, 25mm, 30mm and 40mm, the company said Thursday. More than 150 customers and partners from 25 countries were in attendance as Orbital ATK exhibited the capacity of its […] More