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    CBP Solicits Bids for $297M Border Patrol Agent Recruitment Contract

    The Customs and Border Protection has begun to solicit proposals for a potential five-year $297 million recruitment and hiring services contract. CBP said Tuesday in a FedBizOpps notice it seeks a contractor to help the agency hire up to 5,000 border patrol agents as required by the “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements” executive order. Offerors should be […] More

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    CBP Posts Border Wall Prototype Design, Construction RFPs

    The Customs and Border Protection seeks industry proposals for the design and construction of prototypes for President Donald Trump’s planned U.S.-Mexico border wall. CBP said Friday it intends to award multiple contracts, acquire numerous wall designs and build multiple prototypes through two requests for proposals published on the FedBizOpps website. The agency issued RFPs for a solid concrete border wall as well […] More