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    Executive Spotlight: Interview with Lou Von Thaer, President & CEO of Battelle

    Every day, scientists work to further man’s understanding of the world around us, attempting to devise solutions and further comprehension in planning for the future. At major technology centers and national laboratories around the world, companies like Battelle conduct research and development, design and manufacture modernized products, and deliver services critical to government and commercial […] More

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    NIST Opens Solicitation Period for 2015 R&D Small Business R&D Grants

    The Small Business Innovation Research program of the National Institute of Standards and Technology is seeking technology development proposals for advanced manufacturing, climate change and clean energy, cybersecurity, healthcare and bioscience. NIST said Wednesday it will award grants of up to $100,000 for research projects on the identified fields of study as part of phase 1, which seeks to determine […] More