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    DTRA Funds MerLion-Led Project to Counter Biological Threat Agents

    A joint project of MerLion Pharmaceuticals and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory has received a grant from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to study the effectiveness of an antibiotic called finafloxacin against biological threat agents. The Singapore-based biopharmaceutical company said Wednesday the project will explore the effectiveness of MerLion’s fluoroquinolone finafloxacin against infections caused by […] More

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    IARPA to Hold Proposers Day For Biological Threat Risk Analysis Program

    The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity plans to conduct a Proposers Day on June 28 in Washington to discuss a program that seeks to explore new methods and tools for analyzing biological threats based on DNA function. IARPA said it will provide information on the requirements of the two-phase Functional Genomic and Computational Assessment of Threats project and will field questions from potential industry participants during the event. […] More