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    BAE Secures $50M Army Contract for Bradley Fighting Vehicles

    BAE Systems‘ land and armaments subsidiary has received a one-year, $49.7 million contract from the U.S. Army to provide the company-built infantry fighting vehicles to the service branch. The full amount was obligated at the time of the award using the Army’s fiscal 2022 weapons and tracked combat vehicle procurement funds, the Department of Defense said […] More

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    Mark Esper: Army Seeks to Accelerate Combat Vehicle Prototyping Effort

    The U.S. Army looks to expedite the process for developing a prototype of the Next-Generation Combat Vehicle, Defense News reported Thursday. Army Secretary Mark Esper told reporters Thursday that the service branch aims to accelerate various programs, including NGCV, to help address goals of the Defense Department’s National Defense Strategy. In September 2017, the Army awarded […] More

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    Cubic to Build Crewstation Subsystems for Army Fighting Vehicle Training System

    Cubic‘s global defense segment has received a potential $13.9 million contract from Oasis Advanced Engineering to supply crewstation subsystems for the U.S. Army‘s Bradley Fighting Vehicle conduct-of-fire trainers. The contract contains a $4.2 million base value for the production of nine mobile and four institutional crewstation subsystems as well as a $9.7 million option for the delivery of an additional […] More