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    SAP to Open Big Data Innovation Center at European University; Bernd Welz Comments

    SAP is planning to open a big data innovation center to be hosted by Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany The company said Wednesday that the center is part of a collaboration between SAP University Alliances and OvGU’s SAP University Competence Center. The center is planned as an interdisciplinary research hub that will work closely with the new SAP University Alliances Innovation Lab at the […] More

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    SAP to Offer 3 Business Suite, HANA Classes

    SAP has launched three free online courses that will provide business professionals information on the company’s SAP Business Suite and SAP HAN productsA, among others. The SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA course will begin April 9 and teach its participants on how to use SAP products, the company announced Thursday. Another course taught by […] More