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    Bechtel, Network Rail Complete Expansion of U.K. Train Station; Ailie MacAdam Comments

    Bechtel and Network Rail have completed their four-year expansion project for the Reading train station in the U.K. as part of a 2009 contract tasking Bechtel to provide project management services for the $1.5 billion Reading Station Area Redevelopment program. Bechtel said Thursday the expansion includes five platforms, elevators and escalators, a train depot, two station entrances and a passenger transfer link bridge, […] More

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    Craig Albert: Bechtel to Fund Cyber Defense Training Initiative at 2 Nat’l Labs

    Bechtel has launched a recruitment and training program to help early-career information technology professionals learn to secure cyber infrastructures. The company said Monday that it will collaborate with the Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories to support multi-year employment for young cyber experts. “When you combine the resources and expertise of our three organizations […] More

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    Bechtel Wins 2014 Cogswell Award for Security Achievement

    Bechtel announced Monday that it is a recipient of the 2014 James S. Cogswell Outstanding Industrial Security Achievement Award from the Defense Department’s Defense Security Service. The award recognizes government contractors that have maintained high standards for overseeing the nation’s classified assets in accordance with the National Industrial Security Program, Bechtel said Monday. The Reston, Virginia […] More

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    Brian Reilly to Lead Bechtel’s Oak Ridge Uranium Processing Facility Project

    Brian Reilly, a 34-year veteran in engineering and procurement projects, has been named director of Bechtel’s uranium processing facility project in Oak Ridge, Tenn.. He will succeed the retiring Carl Strock, a former commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bechtel said Monday. Reilly will work at Bechtel-led Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC, which has […] More

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    Marco Pluijm: Bechtel, Partners Develop Software Program for Port Safety Guidelines

    Bechtel has collaborated with industry partners to develop a software program in order to build up port safety measures following research into the impact of passing ships on moored vessels. Marco Pluijm, Bechtel’s ports sector manager and chairman of the Research on the Passing Effects on Ships project, said Monday the research determined that the effect of wash […] More

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    Bechtel Wins Engineering, Technology Award for LNG Project

    Bechtel has won an engineering and technology innovation award from Fiatech’s CETI Award for its use of radio frequency identification technology on its liquefied natural gas projects in Australia. Bechtel won the CETI Award in the intelligent and automated construction jobsite category, the company announced Tuesday. Bechtel used the Atlas RFID Solutions Inc.-developed Jovix system […] More

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    Bechtel Managers to Keynote at PIANC World Congress

    Five Bechtel officials will speak at an international ports conference next week to provide insights on port infrastructure developments in the new millennium. Walker Kimball, managing director of the company’s global infrastructure business, will lead open the 33rd PIANC World Congress plenary sessions with a keynote speech on the need for innovation to better adapt […] More

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    Bechtel Honors Contracting Partners; Craig Albert Comments

    Bechtel has lauded several businesses for collaborating with Bechtel to support government projects in the areas of national security, construction, defense, space, energy and nuclear safety. Nineteen companies received Bechtel’s Systems and Infrastructure Subcontractor and Supplier Recognition Awards for their support work during 2013, Bechtel said Monday. “Our subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers help strengthen the […] More

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    Bechtel Donates $15K for Engineering Program in Washington State

    Bechtel has donated $15,000 to a program in Washington state for nearly 250 students to participate in a series of mathematics, engineering and science achievement competitions, KVEW TV reported Friday.  Dan Thesman writes that nearly 60 teams of middle and high school students competed in challenges related to prosthetic arms development and operation. The MESA […] More

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    Bechtel Team Nears Completion of Metro’s Silver Line; Larry Melton Comments

    The Bechtel-led Dulles Transit Partners team has nearly completed the first phase of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project in conjunction with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. The Silver Line project includes five stations, six miles of elevated track, an underground tunnel and 11.7-mile rail line connecting Reston, Va. to the orange line, Bechtel said Thursday. “Substantial completion is an important milestone that […] More

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    Bechtel’s Michael Costas to Help Lead Engineering at Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant

    Michael Costas, Bechtel‘s corporate quality chief, will help manage engineering, procurement and related functions as part of his appointment to the company’s waste treatment and immobilization plant team. The team will supervise work at a plant Bechtel is building in Washington state for the Energy Department to treat 56 million gallons of radioactive waste, the company said Thursday. Costas holds 30 years […] More

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    Bechtel’s LNG Projects Win Magazine’s Best RFID Implementation Award; Mike Lewis Comments

    Bechtel has won an award from RFID Journal for the way the company used radio frequency identification tags to manage construction materials for three liquefied natural gas projects in Australia. The company won the Best RFID Implementation Award for its work to deploy Atlas RFID Solutions’ Jovix system in the state of Queensland, Bechtel announced Tuesday. […] More