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    DigitalGlobe’s Base Map Adds 10M Square Miles Into 12-Inch Imagery Service

    DigitalGlobe has made approximately 9.7 million square miles of 11.8-inch resolution commercial satellite imagery available through the company’s online base map. DigitalGlobe said Wednesday more than 500 population centers in the Basemap +Metro product are now available at 11.8-inch resolution as well as 1,700 cities available at 19.7-centimeter or better resolution. The company added its Basemap Suite of products now offers 57.9 […] More

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    DigitalGlobe Offers 50cm Satellite Imagery Base Map of Africa

    DigitalGlobe has unveiled its Basemap +Vivid product that works to generate a satellite imagery base map of every country in Africa with a ground resolution of 50 centimeters. The company said Tuesday this is the first service that offers 50 cm satellite imagery for the entire African continent. “This is an important accomplishment in response to requests from our customers,” said […] More