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    Lockheed Martin, MDA & Navy Test Latest Version of Aegis Weapons System

    A team that includes the Missile Defense Agency, U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin have conducted the first shipboard demonstration of the latest version of a Lockheed-produced  ballistic missile defense system. Lockheed said Monday the Aegis Baseline 9.C2 (BMD 5.1) combat system underwent the developmental test onboard the USS John Paul Jones and worked to detect, track and intercept a medium-range ballistic […] More

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    Huntington Ingalls Gets Navy Contract Modification for DDG 51 Destroyer Design Update

    Huntington Ingalls Industries has received a $30.4 million contract modification from the U.S. Navy to provide design update services for the Flight III Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers. The Defense Department said Tuesday the Flight III modernization effort includes the replacement of the Lockheed Martin-built SPY-1D radar technology with the Raytheon-made SPY-6 air and missile defense radar system on DDG 51. […] More

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    US Navy, MDA, Japan Test Raytheon SM-3 Variant; Taylor Lawrence Comments

    The U.S. Missile Defense Agency, Navy and the Japanese defense department have demonstrated a variant of Raytheon‘s Standard Missile-3 weapon during a live-fire flight test in Point Mogu, California. Raytheon built a 21-inch-diameter system against medium and intermediate ballistic missile threats for U.S. and Japan’s SM-3 Cooperative Development Project, MDA said Tuesday. The company said its SM-3 Block IIA launched from an […] More