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    Lockheed, MDA Conclude Critical Long-Range Radar Design Review

    Lockheed Martin and the Missile Defense Agency have completed a critical design review of a radar system designed to protect the U.S. from ballistic missile threats. The conclusion of CDR on Sept. 28 will pave the way for the Long Range Discrimination Radar to enter the fabrication, test and demonstration phase, Lockheed said Thursday. LRDR is an S-band radar […] More

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    Lockheed Receives MDA Contract to Install Aegis Ashore Equipment in Poland

    Lockheed Martin has received a potential $36.4 million contract from the Missile Defense Agency to integrate, test and install the Aegis Ashore platform onboard a deckhouse and support facility. MDA awarded the fixed-price-incentive contract through a competitive procurement process and will obligate the full contract amount from fiscal 2015 defense procurement funds at the time of […] More

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    MDA Tests Aegis BMD System, Assets Against 2 Ballistic Missile Targets

    The Missile Defense Agency has performed an operational flight test of Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system and related assets in an effort to evaluate BMDS’ capability to detect and intercept ballistic missile threats. MDA said Sunday the test’s assets included Lockheed Martin-built Terminal High Altitude Area Defense weapon platforms, two Raytheon-made AN/TPY-2 radars and a Lockheed-developed Command, […] More