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    Former US CIO Tony Scott to Serve as Board Member at Baldrige Foundation

    Tony Scott, former federal chief information officer and administrator of the Office of Management and Budget‘s e-government and information technology unit. is set to join Washington-based Baldrige Foundation in April as a member of the board of directors. Al Faber, president and CEO of the Baldrige Foundation, said in a statement released Tuesday that Scott played a key role […] More

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    Cisco to Sponsor NIST’s Baldrige Cybersecurity Workshop

    Cisco will sponsor a cybersecurity workshop on April 2 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront in Maryland in conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology‘s Baldrige Quest for Excellence Conference. NIST said Thursday the Baldrige Cybersecurity Workshop aims to provide organizations guidelines on evaluating their own cybersecurity programs using the Baldrige Cybersecurity Excellence Builder as part of risk […] More