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    IBM-SecureKey Alliance to Create Digital Identity & Attribute Sharing Network for Consumers

    IBM has partnered with SecureKey Technologies to develop a blockchain-based digital identity and attribute sharing network for consumers. The network will work to help consumers instantly validate their identity for services such as new bank accounts, driver’s licenses and utilities, IBM said Monday. Marie Wieck, general manager of IBM’s Blockchain service, said IBM and SecureKey work with members of Canada’s […] More

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    NIST Taps Gemalto for Digital Driver’s License Pilot Program

    Gemalto has received a two-year government grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology to team up with Colorado, Idaho, Maryland and Washington D.C. on a pilot program for the development of digital driver’s licenses. Gemalto said Monday the grant requires the company to support the jurisdictions on the creation of a smartphone-based credential and the […] More