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    Atlantis Resources Deploys Lockheed-Designed Turbine for Scotland’s Tidal Energy Project

    Atlantis Resources has installed off the coast of Scotland its first 1.5 megawatt turbine with the Lockheed Martin-built subsystems designed to generate tidal energy. The deployment is part of the MeyGen project that seeks to produce approximately 400 MW of tidal energy to provide electricity to up to 175,000 households in Scotland, Lockheed said Thursday. […] More

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    Lockheed to Build Turbine for Atlantis Tidal Power Project

    Lockheed Martin will deliver the AR1500 turbine for Atlantis Resources‘ MeyGen tidal stream energy project in 2016 as part of a turbine construction contract and overall technology partnership agreement between the two companies. Atlantis said Monday Lockheed will build the single-rotor 1.5-megawatt turbine, which features full nacelle yawing functions and an active rotor pitching system, for delivery to the MeyGen site in […] More

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    Lockheed to Help Atlantis Design Tidal Turbine Tech; Tim Fuhr Comments

    Lockheed Martin has signed a contract to help design Atlantis Resources‘ AR1500 tidal turbine set for the MeyGen tidal stream project, which aims to leverage tidal energy as a commercial power source. The 1.5-megawatt, single-rotor turbine will play a role in the Scotland-based MeyGen project that targets 100-percent renewable energy usage in the country by 2020,” Lockheed said Tuesday. Other […] More