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    Report: France Awards $4B Frigate Devt Contract to DCNS, Thales

    France’s defense procurement agency has named DCNS and Thales as prime contractors on a potential $4.1 billion contract to build five intermediate frigates for the French navy, Defense News reported Monday. Pierre Tran writes DCNS and Thales will respectively serve as shipbuilder and electronics provider of Belharra-class frigates under the contract. The first delivery will occur in 2023, Tran reported. French defense minister Jean-Yves […] More

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    Singapore Buys Raytheon-Thales JV Digital Radar System

    Thales Raytheon Systems has sold a set of GroundMaster 200 radars to Singapore, adding to that country’s land-based air defense systems highlighted at the Singapore Air zdhow, AINonline reported Friday. Chris Pocock writes the Raytheon-Thales Group joint venture designed the 3D digital radar system to transmit signals in the S-band for target detection at any altitude. […] More