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    Aerojet Rocketdyne Plans Rocket Motor Production Hub Expansion; Eileen Drake Comments

    Aerojet Rocketdyne has announced a $50 million project to expand the company’s manufacturing facility in Southern Arkansas for solid rocket motors and warheads. The rocket manufacturer said Wednesday it plans to invest in infrastructure at the site and aims to create as many as 140 positions through the expansion. Eileen Drake, president and CEO of Aerojet Rocketdyne, […] More

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    NIST to Back 12 Manufacturing Partnership Centers in US, Puerto Rico

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology will obligate $36 million in annual  funds to 12 organizations to run Manufacturing Extension Partnership centers that will support small- and medium-sized manufacturers. NIST said Thursday the organizations will operate the MEP facilities in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont and Puerto Rico under cooperative agreements that […] More