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    CNAS Introduces Future Joint Force Project, Names Advisory Council Members

    The Center for a New American Security has launched a new project that aims to analyze how the U.S. joint force should adapt to technological innovations of potential state and non-state adversaries. CNAS said Monday the Evolving the Future Force project is part of the center’s Defense Strategies and Assessments program and seeks to explore the […] More

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    CNAS Names Andrew Krepinevich, James Townsend New Adjunct Senior Fellows

    The Center for a New American Security has named two national security policy leaders as adjunct senior fellows who will support the organization’s research programs and provide expertise on policy matters. CNAS said Friday the new adjunct senior fellows are Andrew Krepinevich, former president of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, and James Townsend Jr., former deputy […] More