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    CIS Offers Securely-Configured Virtual Images via AWS’ U.S. Govt. Cloud Marketplace

    The Center for Internet Security has added its “hardened” virtual images to Amazon Web Services‘ cloud marketplace for U.S. government customers. CIS said Wednesday its CIS Hardened Images are now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) marketplace and have been accessible to other customers through the AWS Marketplace since 2015. CIS Hardened Images are types of Amazon Machine Images […] More

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    AWS Debuts Software Marketplace for GovCloud US Region

    Amazon Web Services has launched an online marketplace in the company’s GovCloud U.S. region to help independent software vendors customize, maintain and update products for government clients that require regulatory compliance. The new AWS Marketplace is designed to also help customer agencies at the federal, state, and local levels to identify and procure software that can support regulated workloads, AWS […] More