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    Thales Subsidiary to Repair Navy H-60 Helicopter Sonar Dome

    Thales‘ defense and security group has received a $14M delivery order to repair dome sonars installed on the U.S. Navy‘s H-60 multimission helicopters. The order falls under a previously awarded basic ordering agreement and will cover repairs on 50 airborne low frequency sonar domes through November 2020, the Defense Department said Wednesday. The Navy will obligate $10.5M in working […] More

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    Raytheon to Produce Airborne Sonar Systems for US Navy; Kevin Peppe Comments

    Raytheon has been awarded a potential $98 million contract to supply the U.S. Navy with airborne low frequency sonar systems. The contract contains an option for the company to produce additional AN/AQS-22 systems for U.S. inventory and the foreign military sales program, Raytheon said Wednesday. ALFS serves as the undersea warfare sensor for the Navy’s MH-60R […] More