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    Report Calls for More Flexibility in National Security Launch Certification Process

    A report commissioned by U.S. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James urges the military service to adopt a flexible approach to evaluating and approving rockets for national security-related launches, SpaceNews reported Monday. Mike Gruss writes Larry Welch, a former Air Force chief of staff and retired general, led the broad area review of military space […] More

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    Northrop Hands Lockheed 4th Payload for AEHF Satellite

    Northrop Grumman has delivered the fourth protected military communications payload for the U.S. Air Force‘s Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite to prime contractor Lockheed Martin ahead of its integration with the AEHF payload module. Northrop said Monday it will perform payload integration while Lockheed works on satellite bus unit integration as part of a hybrid satellite integration and test approach. The […] More