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    Report: Industry Group Wants Trump to Continue Weapons Export Control Reform

    The Aerospace Industries Association expects President Donald Trump to continue the Obama administration’s efforts to accelerate the approval process for weapons exports, Defense News reported Friday. Valerie Insinna writes the previous administration worked to transfer defense items from the State Department‘s control under the U.S. Munitions List to the Commerce Department‘s Commerce Control List to streamline transactions. The State […] More

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    CSC-AIA Survey: A&D Companies Focus on Tech Development, Modernization

    Computer Sciences Corp. and the Aerospace Industries Association have released the findings of a survey that highlights business, technology and economic perspectives from aerospace and industry executives. The 2015 A&D Market Survey says companies are investing more in efforts toward product innovation, technology improvements and cybersecurity, CSC said. Forty-one percent of senior executive respondents said their organizations […] More

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    Moody’s: Commercial Aircraft Demand to Offset Tight US Defense Spending

    Moody’s Investors Service has forecasts that high demand for large commercial airplanes will continue to offset the impact of U.S. military spending cuts on defense contractors. The credit rating agency has also offered a stable outlook for the aerospace and defense industry in the firm’s “Commercial Growth to Offset Tough, But Improving, Defense Environment” report, Moody’s […] More