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    Raytheon Completes Update to JPSS Common Ground System’s Data Processing Component

    Raytheon has updated the data transport and processing component of the Joint Polar Satellite System‘s common ground system. The company said Wednesday the update is intended to optimize data processing and dissemination as well as system availability and cybersecurity of CGS ahead of the upcoming JPSS-1 launch and future satellite missions. JPSS satellites work to provide weather and environmental data to […] More

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    Harris Completes Tests on NOAA’s GOES-R Ground Segment; Romy Olaisen Comments

    Harris Corp. has completed testing and verification of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series ground segment ahead of the satellite’s delivery to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The company said Monday the tests checked the GOES-R ground system’s capability to generate weather data for NOAA and interface with the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System of the National Weather […] More