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    Iridium’s Matt Desch: Industry Seeks to Bolster Flight Tracking with Satellite Tech

    Iridium Communications CEO Matt Desch said the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 incident has prompted the aviation industry to consider using satellite technologies for commercial aircraft tracking, Air Traffic Management magazine reported Tuesday. Aimee Turner writes Desch told the magazine that air navigation service providers are also moving down a path to implement automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast. “I […] More

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    Exelis Reaches New ADS-B Milestone for FAA NextGen Project

    Exelis has completed a round of milestones for the Federal Aviation Administration’s flagship program designed to help modernize air traffic control in the country. The company said Sept. 25 that it has delivered more than the required surveillance coverage for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast system while staying within cost obligations. Exelis indicated that it has installed […] More

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    Bill Gattle: Harris to Enter Production Phase of Aircraft Tracking System

    Harris Corp. has completed the simulated operation testing phase on the company’s satellite-based aircraft tracking system. The Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast 1090 Extended Squitter receiver payload passed the duration and performance testing in harsh conditions to qualify for more than 12 years of usage, Harris said Monday. Bill Gattle, vice president and general manager of national […] More