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    Why Testing Is Holding The US Back From Hypersonics Dominance

    The global race to build and deploy hypersonic weapons and technologies is heating up, but the United States is falling behind some of its key competitors in this critical area. China and Russia have demonstrated hypersonic capabilities, while the U.S. remains in the testing phase. Experts from government, industry and academia gathered at the ExecutiveBiz 2023 […] More

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    DOD Undertaking Collaborative Hypersonics Journey to Outpace Competition

    Listed as one of the Department of Defense’s 14 critical technology areas, hypersonics have become a top priority in national defense. The ongoing need for cutting-edge hypersonics technologies is reflected in the department’s $886.3 fiscal year 2024 budget request, which allocates significant funding to continue advancing U.S. progress in hypersonics through development and procurement as well as […] More