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    Lockheed to Adopt NEC’s System Invariant Analysis Tech; Carl Marchetto Comments

    Lockheed Martin plans to integrate a system invariant analysis technology from NEC into the Bethesda, Maryland-based company’s space programs. SIAT is designed to analyze the behavior of computer and building systems with sensor data and automatically identify inconsistencies to help operators implement corrective actions, NEC said Thursday. The partnership also seeks to incorporate NEC’s artificial intelligence platforms […] More

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    Boeing’s Aurora Flight Sciences Flies Autonomous UH-1H Helicopter in Cargo Resupply Demo

    Aurora Flight Sciences has demonstrated an autonomous version of the UH-1H helicopter as part of the Office of Naval Research‘s Autonomous Aerial Cargo Utility System program. The Boeing subsidiary said Wednesday the AACUS-Enabled UH-1H helicopter, or AEH-1, performed multiple flights at the Marine Corps Base Quantico to verify its capacity to conduct resupply missions autonomously in operationally relevant […] More

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    CTC to Provide Research Support to FEMA Disaster Preparedness Unit; Ed Sheehan Comments

    Concurrent Technologies Corp. has won a potential 21-month, $7.66 million contract from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide communications and research support services for FEMA’s individual and community preparedness division. CTC said Wednesday it will work with small business partners Action Research and Motivf to provide outreach, analysis, program and administrative services to ICPD under […] More

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    ARPA-E Unveils $100M Energy Tech R&D Funding Opportunity for 2018

    The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy has started to accept applications for up to $100 million in grant funds to research and develop energy technology platforms. ARPA-E’s OPEN 2018 funding opportunity will support innovators who aim to help transform U.S. energy infrastructure with technology, the Energy Department said Wednesday. “We are asking American energy entrepreneurs and researchers to […] More

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    BAE, University of Manchester Test Small UAV With Blown-Air System

    BAE Systems and the University of Manchester have jointly conducted the first phase of flight tests with a small unmanned aerial vehicle that works to maneuver using a blown-air system. The company said Wednesday that MAGMA UAV’s blown-air system is designed to eliminate the need for mechanical moving parts used to control aircraft during flight, as well as optimize the speed […] More

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    Blue Origin Performs Inaugural Crew Capsule Flight Test Aboard ‘New Shepard’ Suborbital Rocket

    Blue Origin has conducted the first flight test of a new spacecraft that took off aboard the New Shepard reusable suborbital vehicle at its launch site in west Texas, Digital Journal reported Wednesday. The unmanned Crew Capsule 2.0 lifted off Tuesday aboard the New Shepard booster and flew for at least 10 minutes at an altitude of […] More

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    Canada Opens Competition for 88 New Fighter Jets

    Canada has announced plans to buy as many as 88 new fighter jets for the country’s air force through an open and competitive acquisition process. The Canadian public services and procurement department said Tuesday it will assess proposals based on cost, technical requirements and technological, industrial and economic factors. Canada’s government plans to draft a list of […] More

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    NASA Backs Launch of Orbital Medicine-Made Space Medical Tech

    NASA has funded the launch of an Orbital Medicine-built space medical technology aboard Blue Origin‘s New Shepard reusable space vehicle on Tuesday. The Evolved Medical Microgravity Suction Device is designed to help treat chest trauma in a space environment, NASA said Thursday. Treatment of astronauts’ traumatic injuries currently needs to be performed on Earth using gravity-dependent tools that […] More

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    Raytheon Produces Initial Small Diameter Bomb II Batch; Mike Jarrett Comments

    Raytheon has manufactured the first batch of precision bombs designed to help U.S. Air Force pilots recognize targets at a range of more than 40 miles. The company said Wednesday it completed lot 1 Small Diameter Bomb II production and received follow-on contracts to produce the next two lots. “SDB II does much more than hit GPS coordinates; it […] More

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    General Dynamics Wins Army Operations & Training Support Contract

    General Dynamics‘ information technology business unit has won a one-year, $10.7 million contract to deploy personnel, equipment and services needed for U.S. Army  operations and training efforts. The Defense Department said Wednesday GDIT will perform contract work in support of Army Reserve medical units and the U.S. military’s active, National Guard and reserve components. Locations of work include Dublin, […] More

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    CSRA to Develop Ship Mgmt Training Devices for Navy

    CSRA has secured a potential five-year, $49.3 million contract to develop, support and update ship management training devices for the U.S. Navy. The company will provide equipment for the service branch’s Navigations Seamanship Shiphandling Trainers program, the Defense Department said Wednesday. DoD noted the Navy will obligate $3.4 million in fiscal 2017 “other” procurement funds at the […] More

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    Huntington Ingalls Gets Navy Funds to Plan USS Ford Post-Shakedown Availability

    Huntington Ingalls Industries has received a $9.2 million modification under a U.S. Navy contract to plan the post-shakedown availability and selected restricted availability of the USS Gerald R. Ford supercarrier. The Defense Department said Wednesday the company will also use a portion of contract funds to obtain materials needed for PSA/SRA work on USS Ford. The Naval Sea Systems […] More