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    HITRUST Integrates Cyber Threat Detection Platform With DHS’ Automated Indicator Sharing Program

    The Health Information Trust Alliance has integrated its cyber threat detection and response platform with a Department of Homeland Security-run threat indicator exchange program. HITRUST said Wednesday the bi-directional integration of Cyber Threat XChange and DHS’ Automated Indicator Sharing Program seeks to provide healthcare organizations access to threat intelligence from the alliance and federal government. “In addition to helping CTX participants overcome technical challenges, […] More

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    California Power Utility Taps Vencore Labs for Cyber Services Contract

    The internal research arm of Vencore has been selected to deploy managed cybersecurity offerings to a publicly-owned power utility headquartered in Sacramento, California in order to help secure the organizations metering infrastructure. Vencore Labs said Tuesday the Sacramento Municipal Utility District will use the business’ updated SecureSmart cybersecurity tool to validate security and privacy controls for the utility’s smart meter […] More

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    Sevatec Wins Recompete for NOAA Cybersecurity Center Support

    Sevatec has won a potential two-year, $19 million contract from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to provide support services to NOAA’s Cyber Security Center. The technology services firm said Tuesday the recompeted contract covers support for NCSC’s security operations facility as well as its computer incident response, system administration support and enterprise security solutions teams. Sevatec will also provide cybersecurity monitoring and […] More

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    Grant Thornton: Gov’t CIOs Face Challenges in IT Workforce, Management, Processes

    Grant Thornton‘s public sector business has released two annual surveys that show government information technology executives want to boost IT workforce recruitment and address challenges in IT infrastructure, management and processes. The advisory firm said Monday its Delivering Results While Preparing for Transition survey focused on 41 federal agency CIOs and other IT officials while The Adaptable […] More

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    Microsoft Intros New Security, Cloud, Intelligence Tools for IT Professionals

    Microsoft has introduced new cloud, security and intelligence platforms and services designed to help information technology professionals address network security threats and meet their organizations’ digital transformation objectives. The company said Monday it will launch on Oct. 1 its Enterprise Mobility + Security E5 and Secure Productive Enterprise offerings that work against security threats. Microsoft’s […] More

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    SAP NS2 Becomes MACH37 Cyber Accelerator Platinum Sponsor

    A U.S.-based subsidiary of SAP will participate in the MACH37 Cyber Accelerator 90-day program for startups and small businesses as a platinum sponsor. SAP National Security Services — or SAP NS2 – will receive access to the MACH37 portfolio comprised of information security entrepreneurs and innovators and also take part in the program’s  executive advisory board, the Center for Innovative Technology said Thursday. CIT’s MACH37 […] More

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    Symantec: Cybercriminals Use Consumer IoT Devices to Launch Attacks Against Companies

    Symantec has published new research that indicates cybercriminals work to hijack home networks and consumer Internet of Things devices to launch distributed denial of service attacks against large companies. The company said Thursday its security response team has found that cybercriminals gain cheap bandwidth through a web of consumer devices to spread malware and create zombie networks or botnets without the knowledge […] More

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    Deloitte, NASCIO Survey: Insufficient Cyber Budget, Talent Shortage Continue to Challenge Government

    A new survey from Deloitte and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers indicates concerns among respondents over low cyber funding amounts and talent shortages they believe pose challenges to the government. Deloitte said Tuesday the responses also reflect how governor-level awareness of cybersecurity continues to increase. “The survey results spell out a clear message for CISOs: State […] More

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    ViON’s Tony Encinias: Cyber Analytics Can Help Governments Predict Attacks

    Tony Encinias, vice president of public sector strategy at ViON, has discussed the role of cyber analytics as a service in work by governments to mitigate potential threats against systems and information in an interview with GovTech posted Friday. Encinias told the publication government agencies have adopted cybersecurity tools as a first step to analyze networks and address breaches but organizations experience difficulty in […] More

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    DLT, Fidelis Form Network, Endpoint Security Tech Alliance for Public Sector Clients

    DLT Solutions has partnered with Fidelis Cybersecurity to market a suite of network and endpoint security products and services in the government sector. DLT said Thursday the joint portfolio will include the Fidelis Network platform designed  to thwart sophisticated threats through network traffic analysis at multi-gigabit speeds and detection of tools and tactics used by attackers to bypass security systems. The partnership also seeks to offer agencies […] More

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    Tripwire Survey: Energy IT Professionals Confident in Data Collection Tools to Detect Cyber Threats

    A study conducted by Dimensional Research for Tripwire has said a majority of respondent energy information technology professionals are confident in their ability to gather data necessary for cyber threat detection efforts. The survey of 763 IT professionals sought to gauge participants’ trust in seven security controls that Tripwire says must be implemented to help identify an ongoing cyber […] More

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    Galois-Guardtime Federal Team to Validate Integrity Monitoring System for DARPA

    A team comprised of Galois and Guardtime Federal has received a $1.8 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to verify the effectiveness of a blockchain technology-based integrity monitoring system against sophisticated security threats. DARPA asked the companies to jointly test if Guardtime Federal’s Keyless Signature Infrastructure can detect advanced persistent threats hidden within computer networks, Galois said Friday. The goal […] More