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    AT&T Unveils Cloud-Based Private Networking System for Connected Devices

    AT&T has developed a cloud-based private networking system that will work to help clients manage and protect connected devices from security breaches. The AT&T Control Center is powered by Cisco‘s Jasper IoT connectivity management platform and designed to provide organizations visibility on data usage, performance costs and provisioning status, AT&T said Wednesday. The system also offers connectivity to cloud service […] More

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    Australia’s Air Force Hits 5K-Hour Simulator Training Mark at CAE-Run Center

    Australia’s air force has surpassed the 5,000-hour milestone of utility aircraft simulator training at CAE‘s Sale, Victoria-based training center in Australia which opened in 2014. CAE said Thursday the training center was established as part of a contract award received from Australia’s Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group to offer King Air 350 simulator services to the country’s […] More

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    Thales to Provide Hardware-Based Encription Tech for Tunisia’s Natl Digital Certification Agency

    Thales will deliver hardware-based encryption technology to Tunisia’s National Digital Certification Agency to help the country secure newly modernized national public key infrastructure designed to offer online services for e-government, e-commerce, e-banking and e-health applications. Thales said Wednesday its hardware security modules will help generate and defend keys against cyber attacks or potential malicious use. The company’s […] More

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    Vocera Communication Platform Added to DoD Unified Capabilities Approved Products List

    The Defense Department has certified and added Vocera Communications‘ integrated clinical communication system comprised of software and wearable badge to DoD’s Unified Capabilities Approved Products List. Vocera said Thursday its UC APL certification offers DoD facilities an option to acquire and implement the Vocera Communication System on department networks. The company also updated the speech engine and functionality in its software platform to comply with the Joint Interoperability Test Command’s […] More

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    Lockheed’s Speedline Facility Completes Inlet Coatings Work on 1st F-22 for Air Force

    Lockheed Martin has completed sustainment work on the first F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft at the company’s Marietta, Georgia-based Inlet Coating Repair Speedline facility for delivery to the U.S. Air Force. Lockheed said Wednesday the company received the first two F-22s for inlet coating maintenance at the Speedline facility in November and December 2016 while another unit arrived […] More

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    LookingGlass Intros Automated Security Appliance

    LookingGlass Cyber Solutions has rolled out a zero-touch security appliance offering designed to help users operationalize threat intelligence into an organization’s network. The company said Tuesday the ScoutShield Threat Intelligence Gateway offers malware and phishing protection along with a capacity to quarantine already-compromised devices to prevent contact with command-and-control servers. ScoutShield also works to help clients identify computer […] More

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    Fortinet Updates Network Security Platform to Help Address IoT Threats; Phil Quade Comments

    Fortinet has expanded the capacities for its intent-based network security platform in a push to help enterprise customers address internet of things-based security risks. The company said Tuesday its Security Fabric platform offers control, infrastructure scale and visibility over an enterprise’s network to help defend against attack surfaces from the proliferation of IoT devices. Security Fabric is designed to correlate IoT security […] More

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    Raytheon, Air Force Partner to Update Missile Signal Processor Tech

    Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force will collaborate to develop a new signal processor for the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile as part of a refresh program that seeks to extend production of the system beyond 2020. The company said Tuesday the service branch launched the Form Fit Function Refresh effort as the government-industry team marks milestone for the 20,000th AMRAAM unit. AMRAAM is designed to […] More

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    USDA Taps Salesforce to Deploy Cloud Tech at Farm Service Agency; Dave Rey Comments

    The Agriculture Department‘s Farm Service Agency will use Salesforce‘s cloud service platform to support a new program designed to inform FSA customers about non-USDA initiatives that could bring growth opportunities. The company said Wednesday the Bridges to Opportunity program will utilize the Salesforce Service Cloud to distribute information among 10,000 FSA employees as well as monitor trends […] More

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    DISA to Implement RedSeal Network Modeling, Risk Scoring Platform; Ray Rothrock, Kimberly Baker Comment

    RedSeal has secured a multi-year, $33.8 million contract to help the Defense Information Systems Agency implement a network modeling and risk scoring platform. DISA will use RedSeal’s technology to model and monitor the Defense Department‘s Joint Regional Security Stacks, gain visibility into network segmentation and measure the resiliency of the JRSS infrastructure, the company said Tuesday. Kimberly Baker, vice president and general manager […] More

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    MEADS Bids for Poland Missile Defense System Development

    MEADS International, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and MBDA, has submitted a proposal to the Polish government to build and deliver air-and-missile defense systems, Defense News reported Tuesday. Jen Judson writes the submission is in response to a solicitation notice on Poland’s Wisla missile defense program. Marty Coyne,  Medium Extended Air Defense System director at Lockheed, said that the proposal covers […] More