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    Ian Dix Named VP of Business Marketing at CenturyLink

    Ian Dix has been named vice president for business marketing at CenturyLink where he is responsible for the business solutions group’s product, program and field marketing. Prior to CenturyLink, the more than 25-year marketing veteran served as senior vice president of marketing and market development at Trilogy Software. Dix was chief marketing officer at Xtendwave, SafeNet […] More

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    MTSI Reveals ‘Defense-Grade’ Turnkey Threat Intell Tool; Jim Blom Comments

    Modern Technology Solutions Inc. and GuardTime have unveiled a new keyless signature infrastructure appliance that is intended to gather threat intelligence and help users respond to incidents. GuardView Videri is built to comply with security standards set by the Defense Department and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the companies said Monday. Jim Blom, president of Guardtime USA, said the company […] More

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    Poland to Buy $76M in Exelis Air Traffic Mgmt Radars

    Exelis has been awarded a $76 million contract from Poland’s government covering air traffic navigation radars and services as the country seeks to facilitate standardization within its own armed forces and with NATO allies. Poland intends to have 14 Exelis-built radars upon completion of the contract and further build up its mobile ground control approach capabilities […] More

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    Ball Aerospace to Test Laser Weapons for Air Force

    Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. has won a $9,133,111 contract to help the U.S. Air Force evaluate damage capabilities of laser weapons and target system vulnerabilities. The company is receiving $731,000 in fiscal 2013 research and development funds at the time of award for work under the Advanced Laser Effects Research program, the Defense Department said Thursday. Four […] More

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    Carpathia Forecasts Growing Roles for Cloud Standardization, App Developers in 2014

    Businesses and enterprises will increasingly look to cloud computing as a necessity rather than an option and a majority of data center traffic will likely travel through a cloud platform next year, according to a Carpathia Hosting list of predictions. In that forecast published Monday, the hosting services provider also says both startup and established […] More