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    PwC Report Forecasts 5 Global Trends That Could Disrupt Defense & Security Environments

    A new report from PwC details five global trends the consulting firm forecasts as set to disrupt defense and security environments across the world. PwC said Thursday the “Five Megatrends and their implications for Global Defense and Security” report analyzes the potential impacts from shifts in global economic power; demographic shifts; urbanization; the rise of technology; and climate change […] More

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    Niksun’s Cybersecurity Platforms Join DoD’s Approved Product List

    The Defense Department has placed Niksun‘s cybersecurity platforms on the Unified Capabilities Approved Products List that authorizes the products for use in government operational networks. Niksun said Monday NikOS Everest 5.0, Supreme Eagle, NetDetector and NetOmni obtained the UC APL status to validate that the offerings meet U.S. government test requirements. The company added Supreme Eagle, NetDetector and NetOmni are designed […] More

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    Varioscale Wins Air Force Contract for Circuit Analysis Tool Development

    Varioscale has won a $23.8 million contract from the U.S. Air Force to develop a prototype analysis tool that will work to image minimum size circuit features on a silicon integrated circuit chip. The Defense Department said Wednesday Varioscale will perform work under the Rapid Analysis of Various Emerging Nanoelectrons program at a company facility in San Marcos, California […] More

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    Orbital ATK’s Cygnus Spacecraft Puts 4 Spire Global CubeSats Into Orbit

    An Orbital ATK-built Cygnus spacecraft has deployed four small satellites from Spire Global above the International Space Station’s orbit as part of a secondary mission, Space News reported Saturday. Jeff Foust writes the spacecraft, nicknamed S.S. Alan Poindexter, launched four Lemur-2 satellites to help Spire build a constellation of cubesats designed to collect weather and ship tracking data. S.S. Alan […] More

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    USC ISI Wins Air Force Contract to Support 3D Imaging Tech Devt

    The University of Southern California – Information Sciences Institute has won a $30.9 million contract to aid in the U.S. Air Force‘s efforts to develop technology development of non-destructive 3D imaging technology for integrated circuits. The Defense Department said Tuesday the contract covers support for the Ptychography-based Rapid Imaging of Nano-Structures with Multi-layer Assemblies effort. Work will […] More

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    SAP Unveils Citizen Engagement Platform for Govt Organizations

    SAP has partnered with UXC Oxygen to develop a citizen engagement platform designed to help government customers deliver citizen services. The citizen engagement offering builds on SAP’s efforts to provide industry-specific accelerators through SAP Hybris’ commerce platform, the company said Tuesday. “The digital economy has impacted the way consumers engage with brands, and the same applies for interacting with government agencies,” said Matthias Goehler, SAP […] More

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    Intelsat Subsidiary to Provide Satellite Connectivity for Army Tests Under DISA Task Order

    An Intelsat subsidiary has secured a task order from the Defense Information Systems Agency to provide satellite connectivity to RiteNet Corp. in support of the U.S. Army‘s tests. Intelsat General said Thursday RiteNet will use Ku-band capacity on an Intelsat satellite to supply ongoing and surge capacity for the Army’s Warfighter Information Network. The service branch uses WIN-T to conduct a range […] More

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    Orbital ATK’s Cygnus OA-5 Spacecraft Leaves ISS to Start Secondary Missions

    An Orbital ATK-built Cygnus spacecraft has departed from the International Space Station after a commercial resupply mission to start two secondary mission objectives. The S.S. Alan Poindexter spacecraft will launch the Spacecraft Fire Experiment-II to help study the behavior of fires in microgravity, then deploy CubeSats into orbit to support weather forecasting, Orbital ATK said Monday. The space vehicle […] More

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    Veritas Updates Cloud-Based Data Archiving Platform for Govt Clients

    Veritas Technologies has launched a new version of its software-as-a-service data archiving platform for government customers to manage email records electronically. Enterprise Vault 12.1 is designed to help federal agencies comply with the Managing Government Records Directive as well as support the National Archives and Records Administration‘s Capstone approach for email management, Veritas said Wednesday. “Our federal customers […] More

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    CSRA Secures $52M DHS Technical & Program Support Contract

    CSRA has won a four-year, $52 million contract from the Department of Homeland Security‘s Office of Cybersecurity and Communications to perform a range of technical and program support services. The company said Monday it will aid in DHS’ efforts to optimize the security, resiliency and reliability of U.S. cyber and communications infrastructure under the recompeted contract. Sally Sullivan, executive […] More

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    GSA Picks Schooley Caldwell Associates, Hill International for $104M Courthouse Project

    The General Services Administration has awarded contracts to Schooley Caldwell Associates and Hill International for a $104 million renovation and construction project on the Thomas W.L. Ashley U.S. Courthouse in Toledo, Ohio. GSA said Friday Schooley Caldwell Associates received an architect/engineer contract to provide design management and inspection services. Hill International will serve as GSA’s subject-matter adviser and support project oversight […] More

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    Vector Space Systems Raises Funds for Microsatellite Launch Vehicle Development

    Vector Space Systems has secured $1.25 million in a seed funding round headed by Space Angels Network to support Vector’s development of commercial launch vehicles for low-Earth orbit microsatellites. Space Angels Network offers an online investment platform designed to help accredited investors finance aerospace companies through managed funds, Vector said Friday. Vector co-founder and CEO Jim Cantrell said the […] More