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    NASA to Deploy Ozone Measurement Payload to ISS

    NASA plans to launch an instrument designed to measure Earth’s ozone as part of SpaceX‘s 10th cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station. The agency said Saturday the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on ISS  payload will launch with the SpaceX-built Dragon spacecraft this month from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. SAGE III will be attached to […] More

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    GSA Tech Transformation Service Looks to Establish ‘Bug Bounty’ Program

    The General Services Administration‘s Technology Transformation Service plans to establish a “bug bounty” program that will engage ethical hackers in efforts to discover and address vulnerabilities in TTS web applications, Federal News Radio reported Monday. Jason Miller writes TTS sought comments from vendors on ways to set up a program where ethical hackers can test applications, report vulnerabilities […] More

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    Doug Davis: Intel Seeks Collaboration With DOT Secretary Elaine Chao to Spur Transport Innovation

    Doug Davis, senior vice president and general manager of Intel‘s automated driving group, has said Elaine Chao’s appointment as transportation secretary presents an opportunity for the government and industry to collaborate to maintain U.S. edge in vehicle automation and smart infrastructure. Davis wrote in an article published Friday that Intel aims to work with Chao, the Transportation Department and […] More

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    Oxford Performance Materials to Supply Structural Production Parts for Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner 

    Oxford Performance Materials has received a contract to deliver OXFAB structural production parts for Boeing‘s Crew Space Transportation-100 Starliner spacecraft. OPM said Thursday it also secured an additional $10 million investment from composites manufacturing company Hexcel Corp. and will use the money in efforts to address a demand for OXFAB technology. Hexcel has invested a total of $25 million in OPM […] More

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    AcademyHealth Partners With Mitre-Operated R&D Center to Help Address Health IT Challenges

    A Mitre-run federally funded research and development center and AcademyHealth have forged a partnership to help the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services address health information technology challenges in the U.S. Mitre said Wednesday AcademyHealth and the CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare FFRDC will study the impact of policy changes in […] More

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    Intelligent Software Solutions Offers Cybersecurity & Accreditation Services to Gov’t Contractors

    Intelligent Software Solutions has begun to offer cybersecurity and accreditation services to companies that look to secure work under U.S. government contracts. ISS said Wednesday its services include full assessment, road map and implementation support using a Risk Management Framework process. David Coker, vice president for business informatics at ISS, said the company’s accreditation and authorization services for […] More

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    DoD Adds Pulse Secure’s UC Tech to DISA-Approved Products List

    Pulse Secure has obtained certification from the Defense Department to offer network access control and mobile virtual private network platforms to DoD customers. The company said Tuesday DoD added the Pulse Connect Secure 8.2 mobile VPN and Pulse Policy Secure 5.3 NAC tool to the DoD Unified Capabilities Approved Products List following a certification process run by the Defense Information Systems Agency. […] More

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    Red Hat, Boston University Enter Tech Research & Education Partnership Agreement

    Red Hat and Boston University have signed a five-year agreement to facilitate research and educational programs focused on open source and emerging technologies such as cloud computing, machine learning, automation and big data. The company said Wednesday it pledged up to $5 million in grants that will go toward Boston University’s Cloud Computing Initiative. Red Hat added the partnership will […] More

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    Reuters: Japan Negotiates Cost Reduction for F-35 Support Equipment

    Japan estimates cost savings of as much as $100 million on support equipment for six Lockheed Martin-built F-35 fighter aircraft the country ordered from the U.S. government, Reuters reported Wednesday. Sources told the publication that Japan negotiated with the U.S. to drive down the price of the next batch of F-35s, mainly on ground support items such as parts, logistics and technical services, Tim […] More

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    Accenture Supports Data Analytics Platform Deployment at Seattle Police Dept

    The Seattle Police Department has worked with Accenture to implement a data analytics platform in an effort to address the department’s management and governance goals. Accenture said Tuesday the platform is designed to provide reporting functions as well as insights into operations and investigations. The company also helped integrate and analyze six disparate SPD databases and information sources to support real-time delivery of […] More

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    ThreatConnect Adds Analytic Features to Intell-Based Security Platform

    ThreatConnect has integrated two new analytics features into the company’s intelligence-based cybersecurity platform in an effort to make threat intelligence more quantifiable. The company said Tuesday it developed the ThreatAssess and Collective Analytics Layer  tools for analysts to collect enough data for decision-making and reduce time spent on false positives or irrelevant information. ThreatConnect CEO Adam Vincent said CAL was developed through […] More

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    Air Force Taps PTC for Supply Chain Mgmt Support

    PTC will provide a service parts management platform to the U.S. Air Force in an effort to help the military branch manage supply chain planning and weapon systems support activities at Air Force Sustainment Centers worldwide. The company said Tuesday its PTC Service Parts Management Software-as-a-Service  platform will work to optimize demand forecast accuracy, logistics cost estimation and aircraft availability as well as […] More