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    FAA OKs LifePort Ballistic Protection Tech for Bell Helicopter Integration

    LifePort, a business unit of Lockheed Martin‘s Sikorsky subsidiary, has received supplemental type certification from the Federal Aviation Administration to integrate ballistic protection technology into a Bell Helicopter aircraft platform. Lockheed said Monday the certification allows LifePort to equip Bell 412EP combat utility helicopters with the Ballistic Protection System. BPS operators can configure the system to address ballistic threat […] More

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    Research and Markets: Military Modernization Efforts to Help Drive Ammo Demand Through 2027

    A new Research and Markets report forecasts that the worldwide market for military ammunition products will grow at a 2.21 percent annual compound growth rate to reach $16.6 billion in value by 2027. The company said Tuesday the projected ammo demand over the next 10 years will be driven by military modernization initiatives; regional conflicts and instability challenges; and […] More

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    Northrop Secures Army Radar Tech Risk Reduction Contract

    Northrop Grumman has been selected by the U.S. Army to conduct a risk reduction activity for a radar technology designed to replace the service branch’s current Patriot air and missile defense system radars. The company said Friday it aims to provide a Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor for integration into the Army’s Integrated […] More

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    Huntington Ingalls Holds Christening of Coast Guard National Security Cutter Midgett

    Huntington Ingalls Industries‘ shipbuilding arm in Pascagoula, Mississippi, has conducted a christening ceremony Saturday for a U.S. Coast Guard Legend-class vessel. Ingalls Shipbuilding held the ceremony at the Mississippi shipyard to transfer the National Security Cutter Midgett or WMSL 757 to the water, the company said Saturday. The event featured Adm. Charles Michel, vice commandant of the Coast Guard, […] More

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    CNN: Japan Plans to Procure Lockheed, Kongsberg Long-Range Missiles

    The government of Japan is looking to purchase long-range missiles for the first time as part of next year’s budget to address national security concerns, CNN reported Friday. The report said a spokesperson from Japan’s defense ministry indicated it will request additional funds in 2018 to procure Lockheed Martin‘s Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles and Joint Air-to-Surface […] More

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    QinetiQ Assists Canadian Navy in Drone Threat Simulation Exercise

    A QinetiQ subsidiary has helped the Canadian navy conduct a live demonstration to simulate potential threats multi-rotor drones could pose to naval vessels. QinetiQ Target Systems demonstrated a rotary-wing target onboard a Halifax-class frigate for the military branch in November as part of a $6.6 million Unmanned Targets Repair, Overhaul and Engineering contract awarded in […] More

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    DynCorp Gets LOGCAP IV Change Order for Army Kwajalein Atoll Base Support

    DynCorp International has secured a $9 million change order for base operations services to the U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Work runs through February 28 and falls under a Army Pacific Command task order awarded through the service branch’s Logistics Civil Augmentation Program IV contract. Randy Bockenstedt, senior vice president for DynLogistics, said the company […] More

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    ManTech to Help Engineer Navy Combat Identification Tech

    ManTech International has landed a potential five-year, $35.9 million contract to provide engineering and technical support services to a U.S. Navy division focused on ship and shore combat identification systems. The Defense Department said Thursday the company will help the Navy’s Combat Integrated and Identification Systems Division engineer systems, assess technology, analyze risks and develop a testbed. Work also covers […] More

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    General Dynamics to Supply Helicopter Gun Turrets to U.S. Marines, Pakistan

    General Dynamics‘ ordnance and tactical systems unit has received a $9.1 million delivery order to manufacture helicopter gun turrets for the U.S. Marine Corps and the government of Pakistan. The order is for 41 A/A49E-7 (V4) gun turrets for integration onto AH-1Z attack helicopters, the Defense Department said Thursday. DoD noted the order comprises nearly $6 […] More

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    Comtech Gets Contract Modification for Navy Network Connection Device Engineering Support

    A subsidiary of Comtech Telecommunications has secured a $1.9 million contract modification for engineering support services backing a U.S. Navy network connection device. Comtech EF Data will provide support for enhancements to the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command’s Advanced Time Division Multiple Access Interface Processor production terminals, the company said Wednesday. Fred Kornberg, president and CEO […] More

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    DARPA Taps Raytheon BBN to Help Develop Causal Exploration Tech for Military Planners

    A Raytheon subsidiary has been selected to develop tools for military planners to examine and address causal factors that trigger conflict situations as part of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency-led program. Raytheon BBN Technologies aims to use artificial intelligence and machine learning methods to produce a modeling platform for DARPA’s Causal Exploration of Complex Operational Environments program, […] More

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    Raytheon Launches Abu Dhabi, UAE-Based Subsidiary

    Raytheon has created an aerospace and defense subsidiary in the United Arab Emirates to mark its 30th year of partnership with the country’s government. John Brauneis, formerly vice president for supply chain management at Raytheon, will serve as chief executive of the Abu Dhabi-based Raytheon Emirates business, the company said Wednesday. Brauneis said the subsidiary aims […] More