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    PC Krause and Associates to Help USAF Develop Air Vehicle Performance Modeling Tech

    PC Krause and Associates has secured a potential $24.9 million contract to develop technology for the U.S. Air Force to model the performance of a heterogeneous air vehicle. The Defense Department said Thursday the company will produce tools designed to help increase aerospace system performance and address the service branch’s manned and unmanned air vehicle mission requirements. […] More

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    Air Force, Lockheed, University of Colorado Partner to Establish New TAP Lab Space

    The U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin and the University of Colorado at Boulder have partnered to add a research and development environment to the Tools, Applications and Processing Laboratory. The Colorado Business Roundtable said Monday the new Tap Lab environment will offer remote sensing data analysis and archiving tools, shared cloud computing resources and computing infrastructure and services. […] More

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    Lockheed to Adopt NEC’s System Invariant Analysis Tech; Carl Marchetto Comments

    Lockheed Martin plans to integrate a system invariant analysis technology from NEC into the Bethesda, Maryland-based company’s space programs. SIAT is designed to analyze the behavior of computer and building systems with sensor data and automatically identify inconsistencies to help operators implement corrective actions, NEC said Thursday. The partnership also seeks to incorporate NEC’s artificial intelligence platforms […] More

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    Raytheon Develops Sensor Data Sharing Tech for Australian Navy

    Raytheon has designed and built a “sensor-netting” system for installation on the Australian navy’s Hobart-class guided missile destroyers. The company said Wednesday it also tested the Cooperative Engagement Capability  ahead of planned U.S. Navy certification of the system for its first international deployment. CEC will work to help the Australian navy to exchange sensor data within a network […] More

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    ARPA-E Unveils $100M Energy Tech R&D Funding Opportunity for 2018

    The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy has started to accept applications for up to $100 million in grant funds to research and develop energy technology platforms. ARPA-E’s OPEN 2018 funding opportunity will support innovators who aim to help transform U.S. energy infrastructure with technology, the Energy Department said Wednesday. “We are asking American energy entrepreneurs and researchers to […] More

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    Canada Opens Competition for 88 New Fighter Jets

    Canada has announced plans to buy as many as 88 new fighter jets for the country’s air force through an open and competitive acquisition process. The Canadian public services and procurement department said Tuesday it will assess proposals based on cost, technical requirements and technological, industrial and economic factors. Canada’s government plans to draft a list of […] More

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    CSRA to Develop Ship Mgmt Training Devices for Navy

    CSRA has secured a potential five-year, $49.3 million contract to develop, support and update ship management training devices for the U.S. Navy. The company will provide equipment for the service branch’s Navigations Seamanship Shiphandling Trainers program, the Defense Department said Wednesday. DoD noted the Navy will obligate $3.4 million in fiscal 2017 “other” procurement funds at the […] More

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    Lockheed Martin to Supply More Laser-Guided Bomb Kits to Navy

    Lockheed Martin has secured a $22.8 million contract from the U.S. Air Force to manufacture laser-guided bomb kits and associated components for the U.S. Navy. The company said Wednesday it will produce Paveway II Plus Laser Guided Bomb kits, including guidance kits and air foil groups or tail kits, for the 500-pound GBU-12 configuration for delivery to the Navy by late […] More

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    Symantec Endpoint Protection Tech Added to BT Security Portfolio

    BT has added a Symantec-built endpoint protection technology to the communications firm’s security products portfolio in an effort to help enterprise customers avoid cyber attacks. Symantec said Tuesday its Endpoint Protection 14 offering employs machine learning, file reputation analysis, behavior monitoring and memory exploit mitigation tools designed to protect business systems from ransomware, ‘zero-day’ and unknown threats. “Today’s attacks are multi-faceted, multi-staged […] More

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    A-P-T Research Gets NASA Safety & Mission Assurance Support Contract

    A-P-T Research has secured a potential five-year, $52 million contract to provide safety and mission assurance support services to NASA‘s Washington headquarters. The company will also provide similar services to the agency’s Kennedy Space Center and other facilities that host KSC-backed programs and projects, NASA said Wednesday. SMASS III tasks also include risk assessments, inspections, investigations, engineering analyses […] More

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    Air Force to Host 2-Day Nuclear C3 Workshop in January

    The U.S. Air Force is inviting senior technical professionals from the commercial and academic sectors to participate in an upcoming two-day workshop that will tackle advancements and challenges in the nuclear command, control and communications domain. A FedBizOpps notice posted Dec. 6 says the 2018 Nuclear Command, Control and Communications Concept and Challenges Workshop will take place […] More

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    Esri to Help UN Member States Use ArcGIS-Based Data Hub for Sustainable Development Efforts

    The United Nations Statistics Division has partnered with Esri in an effort to help UN member states implement a data respository for assessing, monitoring and reporting sustainable development goals. Esri said Monday the Federated System for the SDGs is based on the company-built ArcGIS mapping platform and designed to process location intelligence data. Gregg Scott, inter-regional adviser for global geospatial information management […] More