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    Teledyne Subsidiary to Transfer, Update NASA Spacecraft Power Materials; Robert Mehrabian Comments

    A subsidiary of Teledyne Technologies has won a potential $17.6 program to help carry out a technology transfer and flight hardware upgrade program for NASA‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Teledyne Energy Systems will implement the Technology Maturation Program at JPL to turn skutterudite thermoelectric materials into flight-like components, the company said Tuesday. NASA and the company intend to develop a new Multi […] More

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    General Dynamics Delivers Video Intell Tech to SOCOM; Mike Manzo Comments

    General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems has completed delivery of nine TAC-MAAS video processing, exploitation and dissemination systems to the U.S. Special Operations Command. The systems are used to capture and analyze full-motion video from intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms to extract actionable tactical insights, the company said Monday. “With its suite of essential tools for video enhancement, event-tagging and geospatial […] More

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    Ken Asbury: CACI Digital Forensics Lab Receives Industry Accreditation

    CACI International‘s computer and audio forensics laboratory in Alexandria, Virginia, has received accreditation from the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors and the Laboratory Accreditation Board-International based on testing and calibration requirements as well as industry standards. The company said Tuesday the accreditation covers CACI Digital Forensics Laboratory’s management, personnel, facilities, equipment, quality systems and procedures. “The accreditation . […] More

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    Cubic to Support AFRICOM Training Exercises; Al Sargeant Comments

    Cubic Applications, part of Cubic‘s mission support services business, has won a potential five-year, $15.3 million contract to support the U.S. Africa Command‘s joint training and exercises by providing subject matter experts in the field. Beginning in July, the company’s strategic solutions group will support AFRICOM J7 Joint Training and Exercise Division activities in Stuttgart, Germany as well as […] More

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    Carl Salzano on Balancing a Clinical Approach with the “Heart-Side” of Veteran Rehabilitation

    Carl Salzano retired in the Spring of 2014 as a senior vice president for acquisition services at Booz Allen Hamilton, where he also served as co-chairman of the Veteran and Wounded Warrior Committee. The U.S. Navy veteran joined Booz Allen in 1986 after holding leadership roles at firms including Bendix Aerospace and Advanced Technology. Soon […] More

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    Steve Comber: Leidos to Help VA Update Pharmacy’s Software, Infrastructure

    Leidos will maintain and update software the Department of Veterans Affairs uses at seven facilities to fill and ship approximately 117 million prescriptions per year. The company said Monday that the potential three-year, $12 million contract also covers work to integrate and standardize the Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy‘s production systems. Steve Comber, president of Leidos’ health group, said the company will […] More

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    Cubic Wins Combat Simulation Systems Contract With Int’l Gov’t; Dave Schmitz Comments

    Cubic Corp. will provide a Turkish government customer with customized and instrumented tactical engagement simulation systems, as well as systems operation and maintenance training, under a contract worth at least $4 million. Cubic will deliver the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System consisting of command-and-control software and equipment such as small arms and anti-tank laser engagement systems later […] More

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    CEO Terri Thomas on BRTRC’s SecureForce Acquisition, the LPTA Environment & Future Services Trends

    ExecutiveBiz: Tell us a little bit about BRTRC’s recent acquisition and how it’s indicative of where the company is heading Terri Thomas: It is a very exciting time for us at BRTRC. SecureForce is our first acquisition. It’s a company that we’ve been working with for two years. We’ve teamed with them repeatedly in the […] More

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    Dave Schmitz: Cubic Search-and-Rescue Tool Adopted for US, NATO Missions

    Cubic Corp. will provide combat search and rescue and other personnel recovery missions to the U.S. military under an estimated $3.4 million contract. The company’s Personnel Locator Systems work to carry out voice and data transfer functions during searches for soldiers, Cubic said Thursday. Dave Schmitz, president of Cubic Defense Systems, said PLS systems are used […] More

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    Scott Rudy: Boeing Moves Forward on Reconnaissance Helicopter Production

    Boeing has completed a 20-minute flight test of its AH-6i reconnaissance helicopter to demonstrate its close-air support and light-attack features as the company prepares for full-scale production. “This first AH-6 flight in the production configuration takes us closer to delivering an advanced light attack and reconnaissance helicopter that meets the needs of defense forces around the world,” Scott Rudy, Boeing’s […] More

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    YarcData’s Ted Slater: Graph Analytics Could Manage Life Sciences Big Data

    Research and development work in the life sciences fields can yield a large amount of data that can be difficult to consolidate and analyze for specific insights, says Ted Slater, a solutions architect at YarcData. Slater said Tuesday that for such a data environment, using traditional knowledge management tools such as relational databases could be inconvenient as they require a […] More

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    SAP to Open Big Data Innovation Center at European University; Bernd Welz Comments

    SAP is planning to open a big data innovation center to be hosted by Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany The company said Wednesday that the center is part of a collaboration between SAP University Alliances and OvGU’s SAP University Competence Center. The center is planned as an interdisciplinary research hub that will work closely with the new SAP University Alliances Innovation Lab at the […] More